Loving Sabatino’s Chicken Patties for Lunch

A girlfriend once asked, “So, what do you buy at Costco?”

Costco is a maze of wonderful food options. Now when I find a new favorite, I pass it on.

Sabatino's chicken patties make a fabulous and quick lunch.

My latest find is Sabatino’s Spinach with Aged-white Cheddar Chicken Patties.  Wow, these are good.

And, I love that they are only 180 calories, since I’m desperately trying to avoid increasing my food blogger booty!

My recommendation is to first sliver up and saute some red bell pepper and shallots. After a couple of minutes, move them to the side of the pan and throw in the chicken patty.

It only takes about 3 minutes on each side to get it hot and ready to eat.

And, here’s a shocker. My 8-year-old tried a bite and it’s now his new love for a quick lunch or dinner.

He doesn’t even mind those peculiar green flecks of spinach.